3 Simple Ideas to Get Your Creative Writing Juices Flowing
We all know that one of the best ways to get some Google love (a.k.a SEO) for your website is to add new content regularly. That's why having a blog on your website is a great idea. But let's face it, not everyone is a natural writer and not everyone likes writing.
When you create content that is truly useful or interesting to your target audience, they are far more likely to trust you, spend more time on your website, and buy from you. One of the most common dilemmas business owners have is, what to write about. So, here's 3 simple ideas to get your creative writing juices flowing.
What to write about when you're not a writer
When it comes to your business, you may be an expert, but your clients are probably not. You can write to educate potential clients on why they need your product or service, tell them interesting facts about your product or service, or help them understand different options they have and who your product or service is most useful for. You could also write about the latest news or developments in your industry.
Case Studies
Case studies are great because they build rapport with a reader. You can substitute real names and places, just keep the essence of the story real. Start with the problem a client needed solving, then explain what you offered as a solution and why, then explain your process.
Facts and How to
The great thing about blog posts is that you can (and should) write about more than your products or services. If you run a veterinary clinic for example, you could write helpful fact sheets for different breeds or animals (e.g. how choose the right breed of dog for your lifestyle). You could also write articles about how to deal with common pet problems such as excessive barking. Create a virtually endless supply of content by writing separate blog posts for different breeds and for different animals. Interesting and fun facts and stories can also make great content.
Finish Well
Whatever you write, always finish by inviting your reader to get in touch with you for more information. You could even include a link to a relevant service page on your own website to let the reader learn more.
Keep it simple
Once you know what to write about, here's some tips on how to make it readable and effective for bringing in enquiries or new business.
- Quality of content is more important than word count. Don't bore your reader with excess and unnecessary content!
- If you legitimately have a lot to write about, split your content into 'parts'. That way you can create a series and keep each piece focussed
- Use mini headlines to make reading easy
- Write in a conversational tone
- Avoid tech-speak. Keep industry jargon to a minimum
- If you're not confident about spelling and/or grammar, make use of free spell check and grammar check tools
- Proof-read your writing before you publish it
- Don't forget to link to your latest blog post on your social media!
Even with the best intentions, finding the time to write content for your blog or webiste can be tough. If you'd like some help in this area, give our friendly team at Bloomtools a call and find out how we can help you with Content Writing.
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