The Contact Management tool within Database Marketing allows you to store any details on your past and present customers, prospects, alliances, suppliers and other stakeholders in a central place. This system will help you keep your database up to date and makes it simple for you to engage in email and sms marketing to grow your business.

Managing Contacts and Database Marketing
One contact for everything
With Bloomtools you will have a single contact record for everything as the same contact is used in your Shop, email marketing, lead management, invoicing and even Event Management. You can decide what information you want to store against a contact and even segment them into Subscription Groups. In addition to this:
- Each contact can update their own details
- You can password protect pages on your website for members of a subscription group; and
- Target your email campaigns based on these Subscription Groups

Adding contacts to your database
Contacts can be added either by yourself or through forms on your website. To add a contact manually you can either import them from a list or add them individually. When a contact signs up for your newsletter, purchases something from your shopping cart, attends an event or even contacts you through a contact form they can be added into the database and segmented.
- Import contacts from a list
- Create signup forms on your website from external sites
- For each interaction a contact has on your website they are added to your database automatically

Behavioural marketing
Contact segmentation doesn't end with the Subscription groups a contact belongs to. You can also target specific markets by creating your own behavioural filters. This approach means you can make sure that each message is more relevant to each recipient. For instance, you can send an email to everyone that didn't attend your last seminar that lives in Sydney. The sky's the limit!