Tip: Content is King - Create a case study
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Tip: Content is King - Create a case study

Posted on 31 July 2019
Tip: Content is King - Create a case study

We have already covered the importance of content to help improve your ranking on Google in previous months, but more importantly it adds credibility to your website to create the point of difference, help convert more leads into clients and more.

One of the most effective strategies we have found for clients has been to write up some case studies. These may be of real clients, broken into industries, or for those who are client sensitive you can also use a fictitious client. Both options are effective.

Case studies demonstrate your expertise and how you can solve common challenges. Case studies are also very effective for more technical, complicated businesses - where the client knows what they want solved, but might not be sure which service or product will solve it for them. Case studies have been found to be more effective than just listing your products and services and what they do (and also has the benefit of minimising industry jargon).

  1. First step is to write up a list of groups you want to focus on, which may be:
    • Common client challenges that you are able to assist with 
    • Industries or types of clients you are wanting to do more work with
    • Services or products you want to encourage more business for (typically your strengths, most profitable, room for growth etc).
  2. Then identify if you have a specific client that matches the groups you want to focus on, or whether you will create a generic one
  3. Write the case study - typically the structure is:
    • Particular challenge they had
    • What you did to solve this
    • The end result (and maybe a testimonial too)
If you are not comfortable writing ask about our content writing services, as we have a team of writers who could write these for you. Ask your Bloomtools consultant about how we could help you.
Tags:Internet MarketingSearch Engine OptimisationTips 2019