Ecommerce Articles and Resources


7 Tips for turning your Shopping Cart into your best sales person.

I'm going to cut to the chase, you want an online Shopping Cart that works. Your Shopping Cart should be the perfect sales person - easy to follow, friendly, helpful, trustworthy, converts well and working for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Just like a human sales person, you need to put a little energy into the initial "train...

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5 Myths about Online Shopping Carts

If you're like 61% of the Australian population, you've purchased goods or services online. You have become part of an industry that is worth almost $35 Billion and rising. However, if you are also like a majority of Australian businesses, you are not selling your goods and products online. Why is this? By denying that Online Shopp...

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Combating Shopping Cart Abandonment

No, I’m not talking about leaving your freshly emptied Woolworth’s shopping cart in the parking lot instead of the trolley bay (although, that’s a fad I’m also keen on combating!). I’m talking about the 70% of online shoppers that abandon your shopping cart before they make their purchase.

“70% of onli...

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Current trends for bricks and mortar businesses

Niche Marketing This has been a big thing for a while and is an essential strategy for business. Past marketing was about defining your target market as one group.  Niche Marketing is about finding subsets within that group to concentrate your marketing on to find you golden baskets. The scatter gun approach of marketing no longer works,...

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Useful tips for a User-friendly shopping cart

The Internet has changed the way people shop they buy online whenever possible because it is convenient and simple. In Australia alone over 40% of all Australians bought a product or service online in the last 12 months, spending over $23 billion*.  Consumers are now comfortable buying online, it's a growing market.  Sadly thou...

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