Adding a Knowledgebase Answer 2

The Knowledgebase tool can be used to build a library of help answers or procedures.

To add a Knowledgebase Answer:

  1. When you are logged in to your website account, click on Knowledgebase in the left-hand navigation panel
  2. Click on Add Answer
  3. Give the answer a Heading
  4. Enter the content of the answer in the Answer field. Just like in other sections of The Web Console, you can edit the text by adding links, paragraph styles and images. Go to Formatting Text for more information on how to do this.
  5. To make this answer visible, select Yes in the Visible dropdown
  6. Select which categories this answer belongs to in the Categories field. To add more categories, follow the steps in Adding a Knowledge Base Category.
  7. In the Meta Description box, enter a short description of the Answer to help it be found under particular words when users do searches of the Knowledgebase
  8. Click Submit