Adding a Knowledgebase Category 2

To make it easier for your website visitors to find the right Knowledgebase answer, we recommend using categories to organise them.

To add a Knowledgebase Category:

  1. When you are logged in to your website account, click on Knowledgebase in the left-hand navigation panel
  2. Click on the Categories tab. The Categories screen will be displayed.
  3. Click the Add Category button. The Add Knowledgebase Category screen will be displayed.
  4. Type in the name of the category you wish to create in the Name field
  5. If the category is to be housed within an existing category, choose this category from the Add Within Category dropdown menu
  6. Enter a short description of the category in the Description box
  7. To make this category visible, select Yes in the Visible drop down.
  8. In the Template for this category dropdown, select the template you would like for the category.
  9. If you only want certain subscription group to be able to view this category, password protect it by choosing the group from the dropdown menu. They'll use their own email address and password to access this category.
  10. Click Submit

Your Category will now be available for you to put your Knowledgebase answers into.