Adding a Knowledgebase Category

To make it easier for your website visitors to find the right Knowledgebase article, we recommend using categories to organise them. Categories are organised by hierarchy, with a single parent. Articles must be added to a category to be visible.

To add a Knowledgebase Category:

  1. When you are logged in to your Website account, click on "Knowledgebase" in the left navigation panel.
  2. Click on "Add Category," and fill in the form
    1. Name - The name of the category.
    2. Add within category - Set the parent category. If you leave this field blank, it will be a head category.
    3. Description - This text is displayed at the top of the category listing when you are viewing this category.
    4. Visible - You can hide the category while you are working on it.
    5. Template - If you have a custom look for the Knowledgebase, you can select it per category.
    6. Password protected - Select whether you want to password protect items added to this category by a subscription group in your contact database, a single password for all users, or not at all.
  3. Click "Save Knowledgebase Category".

Note: You can easily change the hierarchy of the categories on the listing view by dragging them around by their 'handles'.

You can now add articles to this category.