Adding Membership Custom Fields

Navigate to Custom Fields

1.A Login to thewebconsole, from the dashboard click Settings.

1.B - From settings click Member manager v2 and choose Custom Fields.

1.C - Click Add New Custom Field. Note that Membership custom fields are fields that cover all members within a membership, for example Membership Company Website. If you want to add custom fields unique to each member you will instead use Contact Custom Fields.

Add A membership Custom Field.

2.A - Add a “Field Name”, for example Company Website.

2.B - Select an “Input Type”, you have these options available:

  • Small Text: this is to be used for small strings of text
  • Large Text: this is to be used for large strings of text exceeding lengths longer than a short sentence
  • Select Box: this is to be used for a selection of one option, for example Yes or No
  • Multi Select Box: this is to be used for a selection of multiple options
  • Address: this can be used for additional address information, note that the Address field is a standard field within the contact database
  • Date: this is to be used to capture date information, for example date of birth
  • File: this is to be used for file import, for example resume
  • HTML Area: this can be used to input styled code, this should be left to your thewebconsole admin
  • Static text: this is intended for text that would display in the sign up form, for example a description of following fields
  • TnC: this is intended for use as a agreement of terms and conditions

2.C - Once steps 2.A - 2.B are completed click save.