Create a Gmail account

Sometimes our support team might ask you to create a Gmail account in order to assist in the setup of Google tools for your website (Analytics, Search Console, APIs etc.) or to resolve an issue with your current email address. If you require assistance setting up a Gmail account please follow the steps below.

To sign up for Gmail, create a Google Account. You can use the username and password to sign in to Gmail and other Google products like YouTube, Google Play, and Google Drive.

  1. Go to the Google Account creation page.
  2. Follow the steps on the screen to set up your account.
  3. Use the account you created to sign in to Gmail.

The username I want is taken

You won't be able to get a certain Gmail address if the username you requested is:

  • Already being used
  • Very similar to an existing username (for example, if already exists, you can't use
  • The same as a username that someone used in the past and then deleted
  • Reserved by Google to prevent spam or abuse

As this email will no doubt be used for business purposes, we recommend using a name related to your business e.g. if your business name is Acme and the Gmail you're creating is for Google tools, then would be a suitable name. Once you have successfully created the account, please send the necessary details (username, password, any two-factor authentication) to our support team.

To learn more about setting up a Gmail account please visit Google's Help Center.

If you want to use Gmail for your business as your main email address, a G Suite account might be better for you than a personal Google account. To learn more about purchasing a G Suite account, contact your local internet consultant today.