Creating and Sending an Email Campaign

Email Campaigns are a cheap and effective way of marketing to your database of contacts.

To Create and Send an Email Campaign:

  1. When you are logged into your Database Marketing account, click on the Email Campaigns tab.
  2. Click the Campaign List sub menu
  3. Click on Add Email Campaign.
  4. In the Create New Campaign drop-down menu select either Create From Scratch. If the new Email Campaign you wish to create is very similar to a previous campaign, you can select Copy From Previous Campaign instead.
  5. Fill in the form that appears after your selection.
    • Campaign Name: the name you will give the Email Campaign to make it easily recognisable for you. This will not be visible to the recipients of your campaign.
    • Email Subject: this will appear in the Subject field of your email. Make this field catchy to entice recipients to open the email. If you wish to create a custom field, such as the recipient‘s first name, click on the icon next to this field.
    • Email Format: Select a template for your Email Campaign. If you have paid to get custom templates made, this is where you select Your Branded Templates which will contain your logo and branding. Alternatively, you can choose a template from our free gallery. If you want to create the email campaign from a blank template, select Blank HTML or Blank Text. 
    • From Email: the email address that the email will appear to be sent from. We highly recommend that this is a real email address so that people can reply to your Email Campaign, however you can also use a "Do Not Reply" still email address if you don't want to receive replies.
    • From Name: the name of the sender that the email will appear to be sent from. We recommend you use your own name, and your company name, so that people can easily identify who the email is coming from. Something like John Citizen - Your Company is a great idea.
    • Publish: Selecting Yes will add this campaign to your Campaign RSS Feed
  6. Click Next.
  7. If you have selected a template from the Free Template Library, select the template you wish to use for this campaign. If you have opted to create the campaign from ”No Template“, go straight to Step 7. If you are using your own branded templates, go straight to Step 7.
  8. Click on Click here to edit the HTML version of your campaign.
  9. Edit your Email. You can do this by dragging ”Styles“ from the left hand side of the editing window, into the right hand side, and then clicking on the Style to edit. You can create links within your email (see the help article Creating Links in your Email Campaign for details), custom fields (see Adding Custom Fields to your Email) and images (see Adding Images to your Email ). If you are familiar with HTML, you can click on Source and edit your email this way. For more information on the icons on the editing toolbar, go to Formatting Text.
  10. When you are done editing your email click Run Spam Check. The Spam Check will determine how likely your email is to end up in your recipient‘s spam filter instead of their inbox. It will give you a score between 1 and 5, 1 being highly unlikely to be flagged as Spam, and 5 being almost certainly flagged as Spam. (See the help article Keeping Your Emails out of the Spam Bin for tips on how to lower your score.)
  11. When you are done with the Spam check, select Go back and click Save.
  12. Click Next.
  13. Select an Unsubscribe Campaign Footer.
  14. Select your Recipients. This can be everyone, contacts in a selected group, or Contacts matching a selected filter.
  15. Click NextSend a Test Email to yourself. Select both HTML and Text and type in your email address. When this arrives in your inbox, read through it and make any changes you need by clicking on Edit Email on the progress bar above.
  16. If no changes are needed click Next.
  17. Select the Schedule and click Finish.

You have now finished your Email Campaign. You can view the report on your Email Campaign by clicking Edit on your finished campaign, then clicking the View Report button.