How to create a Google Analytics account

To create a Google Analytics account for improved Google website statistics please follow the process below:
  1. Open your web browser and go to this URL
  2. Click the Sign In dropdown and choose Google Analytics
  3. Sign In using your clients Gmail/Google Apps account (please do not use a personal email address)
  4. Click the Sign Up button
  5. Account Name and Website Name should be the company/website name
  6. In Website URL input the full domain name
  7. Select the most relevant industry for your website
  8. Choose the timezone for your location
  9. Click Get Tracking ID
  10. This will load a new screen (close the pop up by agreeing)
  11. Copy the Google Analytics Code (it will look like this UA-00000000-0)
  12. Now navigate to Settings > Website Settings > Analytics section and paste the code into the Google Analytics code box
  13. After this, change Integrate with Google Analytics to yes, select the website profile in association with the Analytics account (it will have the same Analytics code)
  14. Comfirm and hit Save

You have now completed the Google Analytics creation process.