How to Import A membership List

Navigating To Membership Manager V2

1.A - Login to thewebconsole, from the dashboard click Membership manager v2.

1.B - From Membership manager v2 select Import.

1.C - From Import click Create New Import.

Importing A Membership List

2.A - You will now have the ability to upload a membership list. This will require a CSV file listing all of the members and their data. You will also need to have already completed the setup of all the membership types, their durations and fields.

Note that if you have more than one membership type you will require a separate spreadsheet for each type created, you will also be required to break this down again to separate CSV files per duration type.

2.B - Click Upload and choose the membership CSV file stored on your device.

2.C - Choose the membership type you are currently importing.

2.D - Choose the member type duration type you are currently importing.

2.E - Choose the membership status for the members you are currently importing.

2.F - Set the delimiter to “Comma (,)”.

2.G - Set the “Update Duplicates” to “Yes”, note this will be the default value.

2.H - Notification allows you to receive a notification once the import has been completed, you may choose to set this.

2.I - Once you have the settings applied, agree to the disclaimer and click next.

Mapping the Membership Fields

3.A - You will now be able to map each of the columns within your CSV file to the fields set up in your console. This will take into consideration all custom fields used within the membership, including Contact Custom fields and Membership Custom fields.

You will note that Membership Email Address, Membership First Name, Membership Expiry and Membership Start Date are required for all imports.

Please make sure to tick the “ignore rows” for the top row displaying your CSV files headings, this will prevent them from being imported as a broken membership.

To map the fields simply click the drop down in each column and select the appropriate field for that column of data, if you do not wish to import a column simply leave it as its default option of “ignore column”.

3.B - Once you have mapped all the data simply click Start Import. If you had selected the notification option in point 2.H you will be notified once completed, otherwise you can simply navigate back to the screen in point 1.B to check the status.