How To Manually Change Primary Members

Navigating To Membership Manager V2

1.A - Login to thewebconsole, from the dashboard click Membership manager v2.

1.B - From Membership manager v2 select Memberships.

1.C - From Memberships find the Membership that requires updating, once found click edit.

Changing Details

2.A - From this screen click the Members Tab.

2.B - Select a new member to set as the primary and click the “Set As Primary” button.

2.C - If the new primary member is not currently added to the membership click “Add New Member” to manually add them from admin level.

Manually Add New Member

3.A - Select a contact to add to add as a member, if the contact is not yet created click “new” and fill out the contact details on the following screen, once entered click save.

3.B - Set the status, if the membership is up to date with payments simply choose “Active”.

3.C - Check the option “Return to Membership Details” and click save.


4.A - If the old primary is no longer part of the Membership, select the old primary member and click “delete”, note this will completely and irreversibly remove them from the Membership tool.