How to setup the BPoint Payment Gateway

If you would like to use the BPoint Payment Gateway please follow the below process:

  1. You will need to have first created an account with BPoint
  2. Once you have this account you will need to navigate to BPoint's Back End
  3. Once you log into Bpoint you will need to create a API user, Click Admin > User Management
  4. Name the User API and give it a unique password (NOT THE ADMIN PASSWORD USED TO LOG IN) give the account API user permissions
  5. Once this user is created you will need to obtain your shop name, click Internet > Theme and copy the final section of the URL (after /payments/)
  6. Now take note of the Biller Code, Click Config > Biller Configuration and copy the biller code for "Online Payments"
  7. Now navigate to
  8. Navigate to Settings > Billing Settings > Payment Gateways
  9. Click on the Add A Payment Method
  10. Choose BPoint
  11. Add your API users name and password, the biller code and your shop name
  12. Add the merchant number provided by BPoint
  13. Click Save

You have now completed the set up process for BPoint.