Receiving too much SPAM?
If you are receiving too much spam, there are probably two main reasons for it;
- Your email address is on a website. If you or someone else has placed your email address on a website, it will be picked up by spam bots, computer programs designed to find email addresses and add them to spam lists. You will need to remove any email addresses you have from any of these sites. If you have a website with us, you should only use your 'contact us' form to receive communication from your site.
- Your 'Contact Us' form is being used to spam you. If your contact us form is being used to spam you, you can turn word verification on to ensure that only humans can submit forms on your website. You can turn word verification on by checking the box in the website settings section of your site.
In addition to this, it is important to remember that we run a spam program on our server to try and remove as much spam as possible before it reaches you.