Start using Google Webmaster Tools
Google Webmaster Tools is a free service that provides you with detailed reports about your website's visibility in Google. It is easy to verify you are the owner of your website, by placing some code they give you into a field in the marketing section of your website.
Follow these instructions to create an account:
- Signup for an account with Google, or login using your existing Google account.
- Click on "Add a Site".
- Select the “Alternative Methods” tab and then on “HTML Tag”.
- Login to The Webconsole and navigate to "Settings" on the top menu, and then to “Search Engine Settings” within the “Website Settings” submenu.
- Copy and Paste the META code from the webmaster tools page to the “Google Webmaster tools Meta tag” field in The Webconsole and click on the “Save” button.
- Navigate back to Google Webmaster tools and click on the “Verify” button.
- Once your ownership of the website has been verified, you will have access to the account. To begin with, Google may not have records against your account. The data will improve over time.