Survey - Skip Logic
Skip logic is a great way to have multiple questions in a survey but only have the relevant questions show depending on what answer has been selected in a previous question.
To create a skip logic rule follow the below instructions:
- Click on the skip logic tab at the top of the survey and then add a rule.
- The add rule box will pop out and it will ask you to add:
- Rule Name: Add a name that is relevant to you for this action.
- Select a Question: Out of the elements in your survey you added, this section will show you the questions that use the elements mentioned above for you to choose from.
- If Answer: This section will show you options on what to do if the answer contains the selected criteria.
- Answer Value: This will show all the answers in the selected question to choose from.
- Action: The action is what will happen if the above criteria are met. You can do actions like show a certain question that was not previously visible or hide a question that is no longer needed.
Once you have finished, click the save button and the rule will be saved.
If you happen to have multiple rules created and you create a conflicting rule, the system will show you an error message that it is a conflict. If you are not sure what the conflict is please contact your Bloomtools consultant for further assistance.