"I am very happy with the website - I've had an improvement in sales of 500-600%!
My last site was built in flash it looked all flashy but it was hard to get the information. Now it is simple for them - they order online or they give me a ring. 20-30% of my orders come directly online and the rest come over the phone. The building of the website has paid itself back straight away!
Its very flexible to do what I need to do - I can change my content straight away. With my last site, If I wanted to change my price - I had to wait 4-5 days because the website designer was busy and then I would get an invoice for $200! Now I just go in and 2 minutes and its done. I can make my decisions quickly and get the changes through to the site.
Just by changing websites I am also having a lot less people calling with questions - they couldn't find the price or the information wasn't clear so I was getting 7-10 calls per day. Now I only have a few with small questions and the rest are calling to buy!
A lot of companies do a poor job with service - they don't pick up the phone. This is not the case with Bloomtools... If I have a problem, it's great that they pick up the phone and get it sorted.
In my business, my after sales is also very important. I send out several emails when people become a customer and this keeps them happy. I am also marketing through my database as well - I only started doing this 2 months ago and I have just added a lot more customers to my list so I am looking forward to seeing the results. The database software works very easily, its easy to add addresses and easy to send out."
Would you recommend Bloomtools to other businesses?
"I do. I have recommended you to other businesses to get their websites through Bloomtools."
- Peter Njikamp, Prestige Water