Client Spotlight - ACAPMA
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Client Spotlight - ACAPMA

Posted on 2 September 2012
Client Spotlight - ACAPMA

An association with a big industry following is an ideal candidate for a relevant, modern and easy-to-maintain website. ACAPMA (Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association) has a membership following of 90% of the 120 or so businesses that operate in petroleum distribution and storage and represents almost half of the 6400 service stations within Australia.

Based in Parramatta in New South Wales, ACAPMA is responsible for independent SMEs operating in regional and rural Australia and provides resources and training as the peak body responsible for the development and growth of the petroleum distribution and petrol convenience retail industries.

The association needed a website designed with more functionality and Database Marketing ability, leading General Manager Nic Moulis to contact Bloomtools.

"The Bloomtools suite of tools is simple and so fast to learn and use," says Moulis. "Our new Bloomtools CMS [Content Management System] has increased ACAPMA's productivity by reducing the work time needed to operate it.

"What really impressed me was the modular components within the Bloomtools suite of tools. You only buy what you are going to use and can add other functions in the future."

ACAPMA is currently using the Articles, Event ListingsBlog, Promotional Boxes in the design and Email Marketing features the most to offer knowledgebase information to its members, increase its SEO and maintain and build client relationships.

The website features testimonials on each page to reassure new members of the association's dedication to providing value, knowledge and service to government, industry and community.

Moulis is impressed with the Bloomtools-built website's ability to supply real-time reporting and analytics.

"I couldn't measure website referrals in the past," he says, adding that one stand-out improvement since launching the new website has been an increase in inquiries.

"When moving to the Bloomtools-designed website, the association had one membership inquiry a day for the first four weeks."
