Email Campaigns
- Creating and Sending an Email Campaign
Email Campaigns are a cheap and effective way of marketing to your database of contacts. To Crea...
- How To Create Links In Email Campaigns
There are three (3) kinds of links you can create in your email campaigns. The first link is link...
- Adding Custom Fields to your Email Campaign
Custom fields are an excellent way to make a generic email campaign seem more personal to the rec...
- Adding images to your email campaign
Images are a great way to make your email campaign more attractive to the reader, however, due to...
- Viewing Your Email Campaign Template Library
If you have paid to have your own Email Templates built by us, you will have an Email Template Li...
- Keeping your Email Campaigns out of the Spam Bin
Spam is unsolicited bulk email, or junk mail. Spam filters are programs that look for certain wor...
- Viewing Sent Email Campaign Reports
When you send your Email Campaigns, the system will immediately begin generating reports on the c...
- Help! The images in my email campaign are too big.
We often get asked why images in email campaigns are too large when you send yourself a test camp...
- Database Marketing Help Email
Hi [First Name] To help you get started with the database marketing tools and to make sure you g...
- Images in email campaigns
There can be a few reasons why images in your email campaigns aren't displaying how you want...